biggie birthday

Today (actually yesterday... sorry delayed internet acknowledgment) is my other little man's birthday. Biggie Smalls, pretty much called Big/Biggie/BB, turns 3 years old. He's my bold, outgoing chunk trunks that loves to sleep on his back and to burrow. He got his name because he was the biggest of his litter and by breed is typically a smaller dog; Biggie Smalls seemed like a good fit.

He's also pimpin'. Needless to say he keeps his nose clean however and will not meet the same fate as his human namesake. Side note... he came this close to be named Victor. Don't ask me why but my brain was stuck on that name. I can't see it now. Love you my BB!


Biggie Smalls [ Hypnotize ]

Notorious Trailer [ Apple ]

Official Website [ ]