Busy Bee

It's been a while. In fact so long that I grew and birthed a human in the time that has passed. I am still getting used to what it means to be a mom, and the emotional and physical demands (and joys). But I'm also trying to fold in some pieces of my past to hopefully shape a future that contains all of my favorite things.

It's hard to believe it's been close to a year since I published a post. My consistency has admittedly been spotty for a while, but this is the longest I've gone without tending to my blog. While I wrote several drafts... in my mind (helpful, right), it's only now that I'm committing to something a little more public. After almost 10 years (!) of Recovering Lazyholic I can't seem to take a permanent vacation, even if no-one is listening. 

There was nothing that physically prevented me from visiting this space up until now; the last nine months passed with relative ease. I did however discover (or confirm) that my brain can only multi-task so much, juggle a maximum number of balls -- like work, doctors appointments, family illness, moving, and compulsive shopping on Amazon Prime. I now find myself with a workable patch of head space to spare. Call me optimistic, or delusional (or an accidental liar), but I aim to come around these parts more often. And I hope this is just one part of returning to making, doing, and resurrecting the recovery.

LifeErin Hanson4 Comments