Happy Birthday

10 Years@2x-100.jpg

In 2007 I worked all the time and did little else. Any creative endeavors I once had long been dormant or forgotten. After a break up that same year I felt broken and motionless. In an effort to pick myself up and challenge myself -- to learn, to do, to at the minimum articulate some thoughts, even if random -- I opened a Blogger account and Recovering Lazyholic was born. Recovering Lazyholic was / is both a nudge and a jab... self-help for the self-loathing. Oh, I also got another tattoo, because that's what you do. It's in the manual.

The blog started as an on-going assignment for an imaginary audience. At first it consisted of factoids and craft ideas, then as I longed to reconnect with the art and design world I shared favorite finds.  Feeling inspired, I picked up my camera again and eventually incorporated projects into posts. Then in an effort to better communicate what I couldn't say, or I felt like a string of words were more than I was comfortable with, I looked for ways to add visual aides. 

As I mocked my own thoughts and went through emotional exercises I inadvertently connected with enough people that I then opened an Etsy shop to sell a few odds and ends. I got braver about sharing even though not everything I produced was a success. And although my confidence was challenged, and still is sometimes, I submitted artwork to publications and was fortunate enough to be sought out on occasion. 

A few site make-overs and lots of personal changes, here I am now, 10 years later -- a sometimes blogger, a part-time maker, and a full-time dreamer of stuff and things. Recovering Lazyholic tends to take the back-burner when life is being lively, but it's never truly gone away. It is a blog, it is a portfolio, it's a depot to deploy inspiration, but it is also me. In one respect I may be just another small voice in a sea of ideas that are very much like a million others. I am ok with that. It's the thing that keeps me from not doing and feeling more like a whole person. An awesome side effect is when it resonates with someone else. If you have ever read something I wrote, bought something I made, shared a word of encouragement, or generally sent a good vibe or two my way, I truly thank you for your support. Wish me luck as I enter tweendom. I recall those can be awkward years.

LifeErin Hanson6 Comments