Leslie Lewis Sigler

When I was a teenager — barely an adult — I babysat for a family. Every day I picked up the girls from school, took them to their respective after-school activities, tried to keep the peace in moments of sibling squabbling, watched tv, or honestly did whatever they asked me to do. I don’t think I was particularly good at what I did, but I have fond memories of that year. I also don’t think I was so terrible, at least not bad enough to undo good parenting, because Leslie (the older daughter) seems to be doing quite well.

I did not keep in touch with the girls or their parents, preoccupied with my new life in another city. Through Instagram, someone virtually reacquainted me. Lo and behold, she is no longer 10-years-old, and I discovered Leslie is quite the painter (gob smacked is the best word to describe); I say that as someone with eyeballs, but also because this is a medium that is overwhelmingly intimidating to me. I could never. Will never. My skills begin and end with craft projects with my daughter. 

Leslie specializes in capturing silver heirlooms in a hyperrealistic fashion, minimally arranged and depicted in sizes that can be quite large in scale. Aside from marveling at the technique, which seems to only get better and better with its precision and colorful nuances, I absolutely love the origin story. It all started with a gift from her grandmother. That set in motion gravitation to the idea that the objects in our lives tell a story, are keepers of a certain truth, or hold the potential for a rich history; place them together or give them room to breathe on their own they shine — literally, in this case. This is the perfect example of beautiful art intersecting with a beautiful story. 

It’s amazing how time works. Back when I was babysitting, I’m not sure I could have imagined writing this now. In the absence of patina and wear, being relatively new in the world, you don’t know what the future holds. What a trip it is getting older. In this case, quite a scenic ride.

Hear her own words here. Recent work here (I really want that first one).