forest creatures

Last night marked the return of The Laughing, debuting their new EP Jungle put out by Artifact Workshop, the joint venture of Erik Horn and John Gross. The album was not the only debut, as the band line-up welcomed Sean Neesley on bass and Ryan Lawless on synth (with longstanding members Logan Middleton and Grant Van Amburgh still in tow shaking their money makers). The group's set featured a mix of fresh material as well as songs from the previous album Tiger Cry. Sweaty, loud, and rockin', their tribal spirit (sort of like Teen Spirit but muskier and more dangerous) was successfully on display.

A real standout to the release party was the unique packaging concept for the CD jackets. Upon Artifact Workshop's conception the label declared that one of their aims would be to incorporate and release dynamic one of a kind packing, rounding out and extending the musical experience. During the show artist Bryan Keplesky painted a large mural that later would be disassembled, with pieces used as individual covers. So not only did the crowd have an opportunity to get a solely original CD (for a measly $3!), but they were able to witness the birth of their memento. I doubt few can say that about most, if not all, of their present music collection (sans Miley Cyrus I'm sure). All told the evening was full of promises made good, all made possible by a wonderful collaborative effort.