

Mobile Wallpapers

Lock. Repeat. Blanket your screen with some silliness in the form of free wallpapers.

Downloadable Lists

There’s more than one way to skin a cat. I question the origins of that phrase, because ughhhh and that’s terrible. I do not however question the intent. I love lists. I am a chronic list maker. There is no one universal list that satisfies all my needs. There are things to do, some more urgent than others. There are varying time tables. There are things to make or buy. All of those things call for a unique list. Choose your weapon.

Hi! Postcard Club

Travel can be hard to come by. Human connection sometimes even harder. Would a postcard appearing in your mailbox when you least expect it serve as a good substitute? Not really — probably not even close — BUT would some non-flier-bill-catalog mail be a nice change?

Bringing somewhere to you


Bringing somewhere to you 〰️