Good Medicine: Abandoned Televisions

I know I'm heavily swayed by equal love for TV and photography, but I think even without that I'd be smitten by this series by Alex Beker.

In his words:

Abandoned Televisions triggers emotions arising from our memories of popular TV culture. Street photography captures television sets left for dead because they are old, broken or soon to be replaced by more modern technology.

They are resuscitated by incorporating a visual moment from a show broadcast when that television set was alive.

Suddenly, a discarded black box dying on a sidewalk comes back to life, and so do we - to our past life. In an instant, we identify the show, its characters and maybe even a particular episode, and we are rejuvenated by the memory.

We travel back to our younger years, recalling the house we used to live in,

the room where the television set was, the chair we sat in to watch, the smells of our house, and those we watched the show with.

A snapshot of popular culture tells a piece of our own personal story.