semi-desperately seeking unlaziness

Once upon a time there was a girl, and she had a blog. Then she got a job. And here come the excuses. It's been so long, at this point I'm probably talking to myself. That's ok. That's how it all started, and perhaps how it will end. BUT I'm not saying good-bye just yet. We'll see if I can snap out of this lazy streak.

Part of my problem is that I work on-line, and when that's your job I feel like you end up in one of two camps -- the "Super User" gobbling up everything you can, all day, every day; or the "Ugh, enough. See you tomorrow overwhelming portal of never ending information and visual vomit".  A daily commitment has been hard. I've come to think of myself as having an internet consumption disorder. In my free time I sometimes nibble, and then every now and then I binge... and then purge. I'm seeking a happy, healthy medium. 

While I've been away, I've tried to dip my toe into the webverse. Like so many others I've created a Pinterest account. I'm not sure I'll stick with it; there are only so many dachshund photos in the world, and so few people that share my obsession. I've also jumped on the Instagram bandwagon and have been enjoying that, although I haven't really leveraged the social aspects of it. Follow... comment... respond... what? If you want to take a chance on my indifference, feel free to follow/friend me. How's that for an appeal. But really, maybe I'll be more prone to use these things if there are more folks to interact with. 

So that's that.... fatigued and lazy, but looking for a comeback. Sounds like an apathetic half-hearted personals ad. Who wants to sort of hang? 

[ Image credit ??? ]